~We had a visitor this morning, the neighborhood cat that Galen has christened ‘Ginger Cat’. Ginger Cat let Galen pet her for the first time ever, and quite a bit more. They played and snuggled together outside for nearly half an hour. They are very good friends now. Not even Rosebud running out and squealing with wild excitement disturbed them. After kitty had left, Màiri Rose decided that she should be called ‘Baby Cat’ instead and a heated argument ensued.
~More cooking for the boys this morning. This time the herbed almond bread that they make so often. Màiri Rose, who was feeling fussy at the time, decided that she only wanted certain herbs in hers and not others, so they made her her own little loaf. She is so clearly their little darling.
~Over breakfast Elijah was talking about how he’d hit a baseball through a window a couple of months back. He concluded the story with, “and we never played in that spot again….except that we did.” Then he told the story of Iain and him inadvertently hitting a ball into a bush which, unbeknownst to them, contained a hornets nest, with painful results. And that story concluded with, “and we never played in that spot again……………………..except that we did.”
~I took a hot, hot lavender bath trying to ward off an impending migraine.
~The fixing of remote control cars was on the agenda today.
~I’ve been messing with all kinds of crazy braids and things, now that my hair is getting long again. Today was a dutch-lace, half-crown braid, heavily rumpled by laying down to read to little ones at nap time.
~Màiri Rose got a piece of a cornstarch packing peanut stuck up her nose. I had to bride her with a frozen strawberry so that she would let me extract it with fine tip tweezers.
~Galen took it upon himself to harvest a big bunch of violet greens to have with dinner.
~More thunderstorms late in the afternoon. Steve is convinced that God doesn’t want him to cut the lawn.
~We opened the next to the last jar of green tomato chutney from last summer to have with our chicken, green and yellow beans and violet greens at dinner.
~Màiri only changed her clothes four times today. I think that may be a record.
~Galen insisted on wearing long sleeves and pants, all in black (well, some navy blue, but it’s best not to mention it), so that he could be a gorilla.