I’ve been featured…

It seems that my blog, and specifically my Healing Home series, have been featured on The Canary Report, a website chalked full of information on MCS. Thank you Sussie, for the glowing review! For those of you who have not been to the site, you should head on over and do a little (or a lot!) of reading. There is some very important information to be found there, regardless of your current health status.

While I am very pleased to have made this connection, and I would be more then happy to share future posts with The Canary Report, it’s brought to light something that I have perhaps been negligent in. I just happened to come across this, and while this particular experience was quite delightful, it’s lead me to wondering where else on the web my photos and writing might be. Considering the fact that a large amount of my photography features my children, I’m finding this thought a bit alarming. While it is only a small step towards protecting us, I will be adding a disclaimer to my site asking that anyone wishing to reproduce what is found here, please contact me before doing so.

Regarding the Healing Home, I have a lot of information to share and many posts in mind! My plan is to work them in with my regular posting as I find the time and inspiration to do so. I’ve been jotting down ideas I’d like to share and subjects I would like to discuss for a while now, so I promise there will be some good stuff coming, but you might have to be a bit patient. These posts take a lot longer to write then a regular post, but I think you can probably expect the next installment before the end of the weekend!


3 thoughts on “I’ve been featured…

  1. Susie

    D’oh, I forget to put a link to your site in the post!! I just fixed that.

    I really love your blog. Hope it was okay to snitch that photo, probably should have asked, I got too excited about finding you! Wanted to share. Let me know if you’d like me to remove.

    I live out in the country and have a house that is constantly under renovation, so I totally relate to your building experience. It will be fun to hear about your experiences and your decisions about building materials.


  2. Melody

    It’s perfectly fine! I know that it was entirely innocent. And really I’m thrilled to be able to reach out to more people. People like me. I just don’t know that the next person who does so will have such good intentions!

  3. VardoForTwo

    Dear Melody,
    Like Susie I am very excited to find your blog. Your building experiences and presentation are clear, your process to include the unique sensitivities for your children and you are valuable information.

    I totally understand your concern.

    I would love to connect with you through email to collaborate and share with your experiences with my blog readers, a “guest post” or interview maybe?

    Looking forward to hearing from you, Mokihana at VardoForTwo

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