32/52, 33/52, 34/52

Some how there were very few pictures of Galen the last several weeks?  It happens that way sometimes, where one child isn’t represented for a while.  At other times there will be a ridiculous surplus of photos of that very same child (see the post below!).

Some highlights: A tree fort in progress, late season sheering, a first tooth lost, berry picking in her new favorite hat, the joy of a new play space, and a tiny girl who continues to climb into or onto everything she can find.

Mastitis is the ailment of the week.  It’s just been a constant barrage since the beginning of June. I’m starting to have serious concerns about the abilities of my immune system.

I’ve been watching talks given by Shefali Tsabary on YouTube.  There is great strength there.  I plan on checking our library for her books.

I wanted to thank all of the people who have commented on this post.  I was truly touched by your observations and kind words.  These days, for the most part, there are only a few people who comment regularly here.  Sometimes I feel like I’m mostly just talking out loud to myself.  It was nice to be reminded that there are other people out there, busy people like me, who don’t always have the time or the desire to make their presence known, but who none the less, are still appreciative of this space.


6 thoughts on “32/52, 33/52, 34/52

  1. christina

    Wow! Fun days, great memories!:) I’m sorry about the mastitis. I will pray for you. I thank you for your great advice on my fibro i am trying to eat healthier and have been limiting my caffeine in the day. (I love coffee) it’s a process but trying to eat as simple and natural as I can and exercise my body. My heat bag is my constant companion. Lol. Wonderful pictures thankyou for sharing!

  2. Megan

    I think I came across your blog from a knitting post, but love the photos and chat about your family. My girls are teenagers now, with one preparing to board a plane for a new life at university far away. But, I still remember my husband wheeling them around in a wheelbarrow in our downtown neighbourhood. Loved your wheelbarrow photo!!! Hope the mastitis clears soon. I remember that too!

  3. Patrice

    Just so you know, I am a long-time follower and I have enjoyed you and your beautiful family so much over the years! Your photos, home life, and the preciousness of your growing children have been a source of inspiration and pleasure for me! I can’t remember what led me to your blog initially, but when I found it, I bookmarked it and check in when I can. I am a homeschooler, art teacher and life-learner who tries to keep it simple and prioritize connection. Thanks for your writing and sharing.

  4. Jasmine

    I also think I came here through knitting but I’ve stayed for everything. Your family is beautiful and you seem to have such a gentle spirit in your parenting. my life is quite different than yours in a lot of ways – I only have one child and I live in a very urban area. But there are similarities too – I struggle with several illnesses and I try to create a simple handmade life. So I love finding inspiration and encouragement here in your blog. I check almost daily so thank you for writing. You are being heard.

  5. Wendy

    I also read and enjoy your writing and love seeing your photos. I hope you feel better very soon. Sending love from Scotland

  6. Lacy

    Hi Melody!

    I don’t know if you will see this, gowever I still wanted to let you know that I greatly love to visit the space you’ve made here. I do believe I’ve been coming here for about five or so years now. I love the beauty, stillness and warmth you create. I also appreciate your raw honesty.

    I very much like you, a homesteading, (un)homeschooling, homebirthing mother of five, with MCS, just trying to do my very best for my family, eating real foods, renovating a home with no chemicals, when often I have been very sick and incapacitated, with recurring mastitis to boot.

    I don’t like to interrupt the quiet of your space, and so have never commented, but I do want to thank you and encourage you to keep writing, I appreciate every post and look forward to each one with relish.

    Wishing you a beautiful October!

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