
Despite having been born in 2002, Elijah somehow managed to celebrate his 14th birthday circa 1942.  His Wartime Farm Pullover was finished in record time. No one is as shocked by that as I.

And I had enough yarn!  Which had been a concern.  The main yarn is Stroll Tweed in ‘Oyster’,  The bright blue is Stroll Tweed in ‘Marine Heather’.  The other colors are all Stroll Sock Yarn in: ‘Forest Heather’, ‘Peapod’, ‘Fedora’ and ‘Firecracker Heather’ respectively.

I made the tie from a lovely, thick wool tweed, using this free pattern.  It’s a bit long for him yet, but he’ll grow into it.

I think he was pleased.

I’m currently reading Life of Pi because a librarian suggested for a reading list I’m making for the older kids and I wanted to check it out first.  In my current state of mind I’m finding it rather depressing.

Speaking of books lists!!!  I’ve ever so slowly been making ones for each and every grade as a resource for myself, but I’m going to share them here as well and hopefully save other parents a bit of work.  And I’m hoping that you will all pile on suggestions as well.  My children are such prolific readers that I’m always on the look out for quality books with which to tempt them.


6 thoughts on “dapper

  1. Lauren

    You’re a quick knitter! It’s beautiful! Seriously, where do you find the time? I just have a ten month old and can’t imagine being able to finish the sweaters you make

  2. Melody Post author

    Thank you. Honestly? I multitask a lot. And of course my baby is probably less in-arms than yours, just due to age. I also knit when I’m not well enough to do anything else, which unfortunately has been often in the last year. And lately one of my children has been quite ill in a way where I can do just about nothing to help other than be present. So every night I’m sitting well into the night, keeping company and knitting.

  3. Robyn

    That boy is the dapperest chap I’ve ever seen. Also, BOOKLISTS!!! I am always on the look out for booklists from everyone and everything. I am finishing up two years of teaching preK-3 grade in a little Montessori school and I haven’t any idea which grade I’ll be teaching next (I’m moving into traditional education next year). I’ll happily add whatever I can as well as gather some suggestions.

  4. Emily

    WOW!! So amazing. For me the thing that holds me up knitting isn’t so much my babe in arms but keeping track of where I am in a pattern and counting stitches when I have my older chilfd talking to me!
    And I love his sense of style!

  5. Zena

    How handsome does your son look! Fantastic dapper outfit. I know what you mean about reading depressing things. I just can’t watch anything depressing or read anything sad in my current state. I need things to uplift me and cheer me up while I am sick.

  6. Jasmine

    Lovely vest! Your stitches are so even!

    I agree with you on Life of Pi – it is rather depressing but so good! I liked it well enough to get two more of the authors books from the library. Big mistake. They had all the trauma and hopelessness of Life of Pi without the whimsy and adventure. I would not recommend his other books.

    I would recommend The Secret World of Og by Pierre Berton. He’s a famous Canadian author (woo hoo for Canadians!) and it’s aimed at kids around age 10 I would say. I first read it on my own when I was 10 (and 11′, 12, 13…) but I just read it out loud to my daughter who is 4.5 and it was a good fit. It was her first chapter book and a lot of the vocabulary was a bit beyond her but it gave us a good chance to talk about the new words and phrases.

    For older kids Miss Peregrine’s Home For Peculiar Children is good. It has The feeling of being in an old timey circus and has time travel and eerie photographs. I’ve only read the first but plan on finishing the trilogy this summer.

    And my last book recommendation may not be for your kids but it’s called The Gargoyle. It’s about a man who is horribly burned in a car accident and while he is recovering in hospital he meets a female psychiatric patient who visits and tells him a story of a previous life they lived together. So there’s a modern story woven together with a tale that takes place in a medieval German nun’ convent. Other stories are also dropped in throughout the book so you get a touch of Vikings, a Victorian tragedy, an ancient Chinese love story, etc. It’s quite good. Also a Canadian author, and one of my favourite books ever. I’d definitely recommend reading it yourself first before suggesting it to anyone else – everyone has different thresholds for what is appropriate for what ages. It’s not terribly scandalous but the main character has a pretty rough past that he references throughout. It may not interest you at all either. Book taste is so very personal.

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