A portrait of my daughter, once a week, every week.
stunned us all when at 2 months and 1 day, she went from laying propped up on a nursing pillow to sitting up, all by herself. Later that same day she rolled over from front to back.
is usually content to cuddle with anyone in the house, but went through a few days this week where she was feeling out of sorts and wanting only mama.
has been kicking off fewer blankets lately, not because the kicking has slowed down, but because the top edge of the blanket is likely to be firmly anchored in her fists. Now the game is more like a tug of war with herself! She’s holding on to things with a lot more awareness and attention and bringing almost everything within reach to her mouth.
has been deemed “the kick-y-est baby ever” by her Father, to which I say, “I told you so!”
she’s lovely, such beautiful eyes.