
A whole bunch of hand-knitted ones, not made by me…

We were at a little friend’s birthday party this weekend, and as it turns out his grandmother is an avid knitter. She had been running a small business for the last couple of years, reclaiming the yarn from cast off sweaters and remaking them into hats. She was getting sick of the craft fair scene and was looking to quickly clear out some inventory. She arrived at the party with a huge basket full of hats.

The rules were simple, if it fits and you want it, it’s yours. While my children are certainly not lacking in hand-knitted hats, it was like an all expenses paid shopping spree of home-made woolen goodness, and who could resist that?

Besides, extra hats are always welcome, especially when the wearers have a tendency to say… abandon them on a swing, requiring the now frozen hat to by pried off and thawed by the fire. Or drop one while jumping on the trampoline, forget to retrieve it only to have it remain buried under the snow for 3 months (as was the case with the hat that I knitted for Elijah last year!).
Everyone insisted that this tiny one had to come home with us. I held it up to my belly and the general consensus was that it fit!

Who am I to argue?

During the party, Iain was too busy playing with friends for such silliness as trying on hats. Then on the ride home he seemed sad, when I asked what was wrong he said that he thought we were just trying on hats for the fun of trying on hats and that he didn’t know that they were “for keeping”. Oh dear. And so a call went out to the hostess, as soon as we arrived home requesting an extra hat, should there be any left over.

3 thoughts on “Hats

  1. bigbucketgirl

    WOW! what fabulous hats! i loved the bit you wrote about frozen hats and finding them after the snows thaw! so like my kids and their possessions but with us its sand not snow!

    lovely blog..not sure how i got here..soulemama maybe. i’m going to read more of little home blessings now….

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