Sunshine for Baby

This year we decided that for the holidays we will each be making one gift for every person in our little family. I can’t really share most of them, without potentially ruining the surprise (of course, I couldn’t really share them anyway, since I haven’t actually finished anything else…), but I think I’m pretty safe, sharing this one.

This little blanket is my gift to the wee one.

Since finishing it, I’ve had a very strong desire to carry it around with me, constantly. I think that public opinion of me is a little sketchy to begin with. I don’t suppose that would be improved if I took to randomly carrying around a baby blanket for no apparent reason…

I went to the yarn store with something entirely different in mind, but found this yarn on closeout and absolutely fell in love.

It is just the most incredible, sumptuously soft yarn around. And the color is just perfect. I think that a baby born at the darkest point in the year could always use a little sunshine, don’t you?

The yarn is ‘Lenox’ by Valley Yarns and it’s a baby alpaca/ merino blend with just a bit of cashmere. The color is ‘Summer Maize’.

You would think, what with all of the many, many, baby blanket patterns out there, that I would be able to find one that suited me. But I couldn’t seem to find ‘the one’. Finally I took out a stitch dictionary and came up with my own. The center panel is called ‘snowflake lace’. I bordered it with star stitch and then another section of snowflakes, followed by a small border of star stitch and finished off with just a tiny bit of ‘feather and fan’, to give it a scalloped look around the edges.

I picked the patterns because I was drawn to their appearance, but I think that a snowflake and star stitch blanket, made out of golden yarn is wonderfully appropriate for a little person who happens to be due right around the winter solstice. So many symbols all bundled up and knitted together in a blanket designed to bundle up our own dear golden child of hope, on the day of his/her birth.


10 thoughts on “Sunshine for Baby

  1. Cypress

    Bright, bright blessings on the Solstice baby!!! What a beautiful piece of work, Melody…I love the way you describe the symbolism in the stitches. Lovely!

  2. Susie Collins

    This is so beautiful! I love the color and the blend sounds delish. I also love the symbolism of the golden yarn and winter solstice.

    Someone knit a blanket for me very similar to this (little bulkier) and gave it to me for my birthday years ago and I have slept under it every night ever since! The BEST gift ever.

  3. Pensive Mommy

    I love the blanket! It looks so cozy. I’d second what Heather said and just carry it around with you. You could use it as a shawl!

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