
In trying to stay ahead of the holiday curve, I decided to get everyone out this weekend for pictures for this year’s cards.

Trying to get three children, under the age of ten to sit together, stay still, look at the camera and smile, all at the same time? Yeah, I think the results would have been about the same if I had made the same attempt with a litter of puppies.

I got a lot of pictures that look like this:

This is what you get when you say, “Look, look over here, Daddy is going to play peek-a-boo with you!”

I think this one is my favorite. I came very close to actually using it as our Christmas card…

And this is what happens when the person behind the photographer sticks out his tongue in an attempt to get people to smile…

Ok, I’ve obviously completely lost control of the situation…

I was able to piece together a couple of decent photos, but they were pretty few and far between. I think there should at least be enough to keep the Grandparents happy!

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