My camera broke, we’ve all been sick, I might be moving,

and several members of my family are currently in my freezer along with the Virgin Mary.

These are my excuses for my general lack of posting here for the last week or so, though I imagine that the last one, rather then explaining anything, just raises more questions.

We’re not sure what happened with the camera. I just know that I found it broken on the floor, at the end of a day when we had had 11 children in and out of the house. I’m not concerned about how it happened, just sad to have lost it. But Steve always, always takes care of me and makes sure that I have things of this sort that he knows I consider Most Important. Pictures of my babies and pictures of our house in our last days in it being high priorities at the moment. He came home with a box for me last night and I now have a camera at hand once again.

The sick is kind of obvious as we, just like everyone else I know, have been passing around various illnesses without break.

Which brings me to the moving part. I may well be tempting fate by posting this here, but I think we may have found a house. This is the third time now that we thought we were moving and something came up at the last minute both times before. We’re supposed to be signing the lease today with taking over the house as of the first of December (though we probably won’t move until later that week). The house isn’t ideal, but it seems like it will keep us well enough and it’s quite charming.

The move itself is coming upon us rather suddenly, as this has only just been settled in the last day or two. I’ve spent the batter part of a week now of two minds; one worrying about things like finding a way to insulate under the house before snow flies and the other trying to remember little things like being sure to copy down the ages and heights marked off in the doorway of our old pantry, before we leave it forever, all the while never knowing which was the more practical and useful line of thought.

As for the sordid contents of my freezer, well it’s not actually sordid, thrilling, or otherwise interesting at all really. Still, it’s kind of odd to have my great grandmother looking up at me while I’m searching for some berries. I have a few important family photos tucked in there, ones that we felt we had a good chance at saving or ones that are very important to us; ones that we’re willing to take a chance for. The theory goes that 6 straight weeks of being frozen will kill any mold spores that may have survived our cleaning.

Moving means that we finally have to face the old house; to go through the process of sorting through the remains of our former life. It’s long sad work that makes me ill in both body and heart.

The Virgin Mary is just an old memorial card. My Grandmother’s actually. My mother and my aunts made sure that they used a Madonna and Child. They wanted a mother and baby on it. My grandmother loved babies.

On the back it has an Irish Blessing. You know the one…

May the road rise up to meet you,

May the wind be at your back,

May the sun shine warm upon your face,

May the rain fall soft upon your fields,

And until we meet again,

May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

I don’t know why, but right now it’s a comfort to me. I’ve been thinking about my grandmother a lot lately. Years ago I put it in a little frame, though I rather regret that decision now. I clipped the edges to make it fit and now part of the Irish Blessing is missing.

I think I need not to be a mother today. Just for a little while. Trying to process my own emotions while continuing to “hold the space” for them so that they can feel and express all that they are going through at this point, well I’m finding the two to be incompatible. They’re too much, I’m too much, we’re far too much all together. Sometimes I wish I could just step aside from that reality, just for a bit. Not to be rid of them, but for their benefit. A place free of teething babies, rebellious preschoolers, sibling negotiations, and children mourning, where I can begin to comprehend how we are going to navigate the holidays, the birthdays, the plays and concerts, all the preparations, all of the crafting, all of the packing and living that needs to happen in the next 47 days, all while moving house. And what’s more, finding a way to meet all of that with the grace and beauty that they deserve.

But there is no way to step aside, to gather my wits, to catch my breath. I just have to steep in it and muddle my way through and hope for the best.


7 thoughts on “My camera broke, we’ve all been sick, I might be moving,

  1. Kimberley Lynch

    Ahhh yes…mothering is the hardest and most joyful work! There are no breaks…even if you can spare an hour for a cup of coffee with a friend…you are still thinking of them, talking about them and imagining reuniting with them!

    Good luck in your move!

  2. meli

    Thank you for posting even through the trying and difficult times.Your beautiful posts have been inspiring an have helped my family through a difficult time.I went through a divorce this summer and have had to leave our home and having been dealing with mourning children and learning the new normal to our lives.It is overwhelming and frusterating to deal with.I wish you and your family peace and resolve soon to this difficult chapter.You are an inspiration with your blog and how to gracefully move through the difficult chapters.I am sending you hugs and tranquility with this time in you life. Melissa

  3. Pampered Mom

    Thank goodness for thoughtful husbands! :0)

    My prayers for you and your family as you make the transition. I hate packing and moving under normal circumstances…I can't imagine what it would be like under your circumstances. I'm hoping it all goes smoothly and will help ease all of you into a new environment.

  4. Lizz

    Thinking of you anD sending my love. It's great news and with that come change and sadness and transition. Rising Phoenix Family!!

  5. Jen

    You are a beautiful soul and incredibly strong woman- hold to that knowledge as you face each day. You and your blog are a blessing to the rest of us out here. I have also had a difficult year, and unless our situation changes, we may be facing a lost home next year or the year after. You have given me so much strength this past year. I'm praying for your family and that this time- you'll find a new home and can begin to move on in your journey. Thank you for continuing to post- there have been days when the beauty of your posts have been what have helped me to breathe and try to get through my day gracefully too. Best of luck!

  6. Anonymous

    I found your blog through a circuitous route that I no longer remember, but I feel so blessed to have stumbled upon it. Our challenges are not the same as yours, but your ability to inhabit strength and grace has been a quiet source of inspiration to me, in my parenting and in my family's journey to better health. Thank you. In turn, I send you strength and peace.

  7. Monica

    You and your family are in my thoughts, Melody.

    How sweet of Steve to get you a camera.

    I still have a small slip of paper with the heights of my kids jotted down from two moves back – they used to be marked on the kitchen door :D I have not found a good place to do it again in our house, I have toyed with the idea of getting/making some height tape that could be moved, but never did it again…

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