Week in the Life, Sunday

Him: knitting

Her: making a friendship bracelet

I have paint colors swirling through my mind.  Our favorite paint company is going out of business and I frantically (before it all sold out!) picked out colors for our next several projects.  It’s just arrived and I’m amusing myself by painting a swatch a day so I can see each color in place.  Today’s selection is “Delicate Peach”.

We had tuna salad for breakfast, which contained “Q-mummers” (cucumbers), one of my favorite baby words at the moment.

This is what life really looks like here right now!  Always food in progress, always dishes in progress, clothes drying, the latest projects unceremoniously scooped from the dinning room table and dumped on the ironing board- which never seems to get put away, boxes of next-size and season up kids’ clothes sitting about, waiting for me to finish sorting them, people everywhere; hectic, cluttered and full.

Goodies in progress for the shop.  One of the things keeping my hands so full of late.

I managed to leave the house wearing all clothing I like!  Of course, we don’t have a full-length mirror, so photos of myself are uhm, educational.

A day of gathering supplies: for the shop, for upcoming birthdays, for home improvement projects.

He wants to sew himself a shirt.

Out past nap time, poor little love!

Back home with our bounty for the beef and veggie stew that simmered in the crockpot the whole time we were away.

Iain secretly bought Mairi Rose the tiny sewing kit she had been coveting.  So sweet.

Beautiful fabrics, each one intended for something different, looking very comfortably harmonious all together.

Stopped in at Goodwill, hoping to find a bunch of mugs and bowls.  We’ve broken so many lately.  All it yielded was a single specimen to add to my collection of random, mismatched, floral pottery mugs.  And this little enamelware bowl!

Which I quietly packed away, along side a tiny 25-cent pot.  One to serve Seraphina’s birthday treats in and one as a gift to add to her kitchen set.  Three dollars well spent (including the mug).

Later in the evening our dear neighbor stopped round with a gift.  And inside…

Just what I was needing!

Homeschooling these days takes place at all hours, on all days.  The older boys are preparing for an important presentation.

Complete with very stylish pointers!


6 thoughts on “Week in the Life, Sunday

  1. christina

    Cute outfit! That was sweet of Ian to buy his sister the sewing kit. Love the mugs and tiny pot for birthday girl. Sweet! Enjoy your days. Christina

  2. Michelle

    I am curious, Melody, what your educational philosophy is. What do you use for your middle school aged kids for curriculum? Your children seem so well rounded to me.

  3. Amber

    Yes! I’m with Michelle! Curious to know what homeschooling model you use. Eclectic? Seems similar to what we do here at our home.

  4. Kris

    I’m with Michelle and Amber–I’d love to hear some of your homeschooling curriculum, routine with the older boys in particular.

    I love those eggs!!

  5. Melody Post author

    Yes, by middle school I would say that we’re pretty eclectic. In the early years we work with a Waldorf curriculum, usually Christopherus, which I really like. But as they get older things tend to shift. I still pull from Waldorf here and there, but we also follow their interests and my whims (!). They are involved with community projects that are dear to their hearts and those tend to provide valuable learning experiences. 4H in particular has been wonderful. I’m forever putting books into their hands. I’m blessed to have a house full of avid readers, which makes my job easy in some ways. We are well known at our local library! We do still use curriculum for certain things, like math and certain lesson blocks. They use Duolingo for foreign language. We have one night a week where we watch documentaries together and talk about them. I’ve been getting into Charlotte Mason lately and pulling in some elements of her philosophy as well.

  6. Apseed

    I love these blog series. I know it’s only some little fragments from your day/s, but it’s so inspiring, honest and real.

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