The Handcrafted Wardrobe

A Washi Dress in gorgeous blue linen, wrinkles and all!  It was not wrinkled in when I put it on, but you pick up a toddler once or twice and this is what you get.

I used the large bow from view A, and the sleeve from view B, both from the Washi Dress Expansion Pack, as well as adding in hidden nursing access, as per this tutorial.

The bow felt….risky.  I went back and forth on it many times before deciding to be adventurous.  I think that having an already worked out nursing variation tipped the scales for me.  What do you think?  Honestly, I really like it.  I don’t always tie it in a bow, sometimes I just tie it in a knot and let the ends hang down.

I had rather a lot of fabric left over and as it turns out, it’s a good thing I did, because I can’t tell you how many times while making this I was approached with the same remarks, “That be mama dress!  Makin’ Serassina dress soooon!”, stated with great certainty while emphatically nodding her head.  Since she left me very little room to refuse…

Hers started out as a very simple peasant dress, that didn’t even come close to fitting, as I well knew it wouldn’t.  Why do I persist in thinking that pattern designers know what will fit my kid better than I do?  Rather than start over from scratch, I chopped it up and inserted several big panels; flat felling the seams to make it a design feature and topped it off with a bow and a frill.  I’m glad the original didn’t fit.  It’s much more interesting this way!

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8 thoughts on “The Handcrafted Wardrobe

  1. Megan

    I agree, the dress looks lovely on you. Great colour, undecided on the bow, but it is growing on me. And Seraphina and her dress are cute as buttons!

  2. Melody Post author

    The bow does that. Growing on people I mean! When I first saw that version I thought, “no way!”.

    Thank you for the kind words!

  3. Heather

    You two are so cute in your matching dresses :) I really love the color! It turned out beautifully :) I still haven’t gotten back to the muslin but I suspect that in a few days when I have my sewing room put together finally that I will be more motivated to sew.

  4. susan

    Im so glad you like the dress, it’s beautiful. Both of them are. I’m a big fan of linen, and blue. Just think of how soft it will be after half a dozen washes.

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