home again, home again, moving is done




We are in our new house now and busy settling in.  I’m not sure that I’m ready to be back in this space again.  I’ve been surprised by what a relief it’s been to give myself permission to not post for a while.  I’m not feeling terribly inspired blog-wise lately and I don’t want this to turn into a chore.  For now I’m just going to go with that feeling and I’ll be back whenever it feels right, whether that’s tomorrow, next week, next month…I’m also open to the possibility that this blog has served it’s purpose for me and that I’m ready to be done with it.  Right now I don’t know, so I’m just going to see what comes.

Best wishes to you all…until we meet again!


6 thoughts on “home again, home again, moving is done

  1. sarah

    I missed the information that you were moving – how tedious for you, especially since you hadn’t been in your other house for all that long. I hope this one is a good home that lasts you for many years.

    And whatever your choices for weblogging, I want to thank you for all you have given here, the inspiration and beauty. Best wishes for whatever lies ahead.

  2. Katie

    I hope you settle quickly into your new house and it’s all that you hope it to be. We would miss you if you stopped blogging, your world is such a peaceful place to visit – however, blogging is meant to be a joy, not a chore – so whatever is right for you, I wish you well and thank you.

  3. nadine

    wishing you find yourself quickly and happily at home in your new house.
    I have loved “visiting” you and your lovely family over the past few years, and have found much joy, inspiration, comfort and beauty there. I, too, would miss you if you stopped blogging but I have often wondered how you manage to find the time to do all the amazing things you do, and blog about them, too. Whatever you decide, it’s been a privilege and a delight to share in your life through your pictures and writing – many blessings to you.

  4. cecilia

    looks like a lovely new spot for you and yours! i too would miss your inspiring and creative posts on homeschooling, crafting, cooking and living, but whatever you decide, thank you for what you have brought here to now! i have truly enjoyed following your beautiful creation here… if you do decide to step back i wonder if you’d be willing to give a heads up (if you decide to remove the archives – several have done this recently) : i would love to have a chance to get some of the recipes, crafting ideas and patterns printed first! peace~~~

  5. Melody Post author

    Thank you all for the kind comments! I don’t *think* I’m quite ready to be done altogether. I just need to step back a bit and figure out where I’m going from here. We have so many exciting, time intensive things going on right now, my focus is elsewhere, but I’m sure it will come back in one way, shape or form. I’m just not yet sure what that’s going to look like. In the past few months I’ve been making it a point to try to post more regularly, which started out feeling inspiring, but ended up feeling like something of a burden on my mental “to do” list. I just need to find a bit of balance with it. And to give myself a little break for now until I figure out exactly what that means.

    I don’t foresee taking down my archives or anything drastic like that. And if I ever decide to do something like that, I promise to give a heads-up first.

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