more yarn and déjà vu

It seems I’ve knitted through the entire last box.  Time for new yarn.  Yarn for birthday sweaters, yarn for the holidays and yes, yarn for yet more baby knitting.

Several weeks ago, somewhere around the third time that Galen came to me, stuck either halfway in or halfway out of his birthday sweater from last year, I gently mentioned that I didn’t think it quite fit anymore.  At which point he threw himself down sobbing, declaring that it was his, “most favorite sweater ever” and begging me to make him a new one exactly like it.  Well ok then.  If that’s not a strong argument in favor of a certain birthday sweater this year, well then I don’t know what is!

So strange to be knitting the same pattern, with the same yarn, in the same color, at the same time of year, for a second year in a row.  This will actually be the third time that I’ve knit this pattern for him.  The first time was for his fifth birthday.   Usually when I knit a sweater for the kids I can expect it to last around two years.  Both times that I’ve made this sweater, it’s only fit for about a single cold season.  I think it has something to do with it’s fitted nature.  On the other hand, they stay in excellent shape for handing down, and there is always plenty of handing down to be done in this house.  He’s officially in the last size now, so one last go round!


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