Summer is really kicking into high gear now. I had originally thought that I would continue with our usual school schedule through June, but our End of Year Review has gone out the door and I’m feeling like we put in a full year and it’s time to focus on other things. If I’m going to have any success with my challenge, there is going to be lots of work to do around the garden and out in the fields, starting now. We came home to a jungle! And I’m about to go out and start trying to tame it. My honey has promised to come home and start hauling mulch from the local pile of free wood chips. Tomorrow will bring bulk strawberry picking, should the weather choose to cooperate. And Friday will be jam making (I’m thinking strawberry-rhubarb for a start, mmmm….), with hopefully a trip to our plots at the community garden in the late afternoon. Saturday is our usual day at the farm, as well as other shopping and errands, and plenty more harvesting as well. And we were just invited to a potluck in the evening. So, we are stepping right back into the swing of things!